This year’s “Active Kids” scheme starts on 29th January 14 and runs until 20th May 2014.
Please collect the vouchers and post them in the collecting box at the Scout Hut. The leaders are currently browsing the catalogue and compiling their “wish list”.
Thanks to your generosity, we received two big bags of sports equipment, which everyone in the group uses.
The beavers and cubs had their Halloween party last night, and what a gruesome gathering it was!
Despite the fearsome sight, the ghouls set aside their differences and enjoyed a selection of party games including the now-traditional bobbing for chocolate in flour.
A young leaders in the wrap-a-young leader cometition
A young leaders in the wrap-a-young leader cometition
A young leaders in the wrap-a-young leader cometition
The evening ended with a nice selection of party food and a test-run of our new popcorn machine!
This week is your last opportunity to join us on Family Camp on the weekend of 27-29th of September. Please bring your completed forms along to your unit meeting this week (before 18th Sept).
The programme is coming together nicely, and we look forward to trying out our new archery equipment.
The group held its first quiz night on Saturday with twelve teams competing for glory. In the end four teams finished within a few points of the lead, with “the Minecrafters” narrowly taking the victory. The winning score was an impressive 49.5 out of 65.
Update 1 (2013-07-01):
Some of the scouts made cakes for the quiz – Matthew’s “Scout cakes” were particularly impressive.