Ten of our older scouts undertook their Expedition Challenge at the weekend.
To complete their challenge they have to plan an expedition, including destination, means of travel, routes / itinerary, food planning and then carry it out. They only thing they don’t have to do is carry all their camping equipment with them.
Both groups successfully planned their journeys and navigated their way from Sevenoaks to Malling District’s campsite at Comp Wood.
This activity was made possible in part by a grant from Kent County Council, which paid for leader training and equipment, and by the adults that supported the activity.
The group held its first in-person Annual General Meeting last night for three years,
We welcomed a number of members to the Group Executive Committee (most of whom are also Trustees of the group charity). Tony Mann as Group Chair, Catherine Martin as Group Secretary and officially elected JoAnn Etherington as Group Treasurer.
Thank you to all the parents that joined us for this important part of being a charity.
At the end of the AGM we presented a number of Chief Scouts Awards, including our first Acorn Awards to some of our Squirrels.
We also caught-up on some awards that were delayed from last year.
For the jubilee the Swift Troop patrols competed to see who could build the highest flag-pole in the allowed time, and who could paint the best union flag.
All four patrols made a good attempt, with some higher than others.
We are very pleased to announce that Jo has been awarded a British Empire Medal in the Jubilee honours list for all the work she did for young people during the pandemic.
Well done Jo!
I would like to thank all for your support. Without all who volunteer your support and your enthusiasm, Scouting would not happen at the 4th, Seal or in Sevenoaks.
In my youth I was a Guide achieving my Queens Guide award, then a Venture Scout. The adults that supported me, of which there were many, inspired me to be the person I am today.
Scouting has had a profound impact on my entire life and all I wish for is that we all are able to have the same impact on the young people we care for and of course I hope, to ensure all of us adults have lots of fun as well, as find reward for yourselves along the way as I certainly have.
Jo Brookbank
In addition to being the Groups Scout Leader at 4th Sevenoaks (St John’s) Scout Group, Jo is Joint District Commissioner for Sevenoaks District Scouts.
On a beautiful May evening, 35 of us went for a stroll across the fields and woods to the West of Sevenoaks with the promise of deep fried potatoes as a prize. Groups started from different locations and converged on Tom Bells Chip shop in Station Parade.
Most of the scouts took a turn navigating, and all arrived with enough time to queue up for their prize. A couple of the groups were so quick they even added on a bonus loop!
Scouts from the 4th (St John’s), 9th (Seal) and 15th (Otford) went on a night-hike on Friday.
45 Scouts in seven separate groups spent the evening walking the footpaths of Otford and Shoreham on a night-time navigation exercise. Despite the weather trying its best to discourage everyone, they all set early on Friday evening.
Scout teams walked one of two courses, and each course could be clockwise or anti-clockwise, and with or without a leader. We also had a secondary start point at Shoreham Station to give us some more capacity
The main course included Otford, Romney Street, Shoreham. The other one was a little flatter that missed out Romney Street but went further towards Farningham.
All of the navigation was done by the scouts, although the groups with leaders did have someone on hand to make sure decisions were actually being taken an scouts weren’t ‘just following the path’.
The scouts did really well. All the groups finished, although we did have a couple mid-course retirements and one of our (unaccompanied) groups showed itself to be ‘navigationally challenged’ (compare to the actual routes at the top of the post). In the end they walked further than anyone else!
One group managed to do an extra 4km… I wonder where it went
Some of our scouts had a mid-hike sing-song
The night finished with a hot-dog (or two), a mug of hot chocolate and a cookie before bed. 🌭☕🍪🛌💤
We entered the Monopoly Run for the 5th time this year, this time managing to enter seven teams (with help from Seal Scouts).
The Monopoly Run brings the board game to life as teams of scouts race around the streets of London, trying to be the first in their game to reach a specific location for each square of the Monopoly board. For example, the Jail square corresponds to The Clink prison museum on the South Bank and the location for Regent Street was Hamleys toy shop.
By the end of the day we had 42 exhausted scouts and 14 very weary adults. Everyone enjoyed most of the day and everyone left having ideas for what they would do next time!
The scout leaders were extremely please that, above all else, everyone got there and back safely!
The Talent Pool managed to get 5th overall more by luck than anything else.