Download the cubs Spring programme 2014 Cubs Spring 2014 programme. All meetings at the Scout Hut, Mill Lane.
All posts by Webmaster
Website Registration
We have been experiencing some spam sign-ups for the website recently. Our apologies if you have tried to register for parent-access to the web-site and haven’t received your password, please do so again.
In order to distinguish between real users and spam-bots, we have introduced a field asking which unit your children are members of, and the name of the eldest
Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.
Get the Group Calendar on your mobile phone
You can add scout events to your calendar by adding the calendar below to your smartphone’s calendar / Outlook / Google Calendar / iCal.
Leaders: there is a different URL that allows you to update the calendar directly. The URL is in the calendar settings on Google calendar. If you can’t find it, see Michael.
Web-site registration now open for parents
If you are a parent of a Beaver, Cub or a Scout, you are now able to register for access to the Parent Only area of the web-site. Continue reading Web-site registration now open for parents
Christmas Camp at Lower Grange Farm
We ‘camped’ in the barn at Lower Grange Farm,
While we were there,
- we used the tunnelling system at the Buckmore Park campsite nearby (it was muddy!)
- orienteering
- Christmas craft
- Disco
- Christmas Carol-fire
We also welcomed several guests from the District including our District Commissioner Jeanette Schwarz