The scout group is completely run by adult volunteers. If you have any time or skills you could dedicate to the group, even if it is just an hour or so, please drop me a line using the form below.
Volunteering does not necessarily mean becoming a leader.
- If you can boil water, you can cook pasta
- If you can walk you can accompany young people on a hike
- If you can hold a paintbrush you can join our Maintenance Team
- If you enjoy crafts you could help out the little ones with some of their activities
- If you know your way around a spreadsheet you can help out with some admin
- If you can write a good email you can apply for grant funding
Our volunteers do all sorts, from mowing the grass to sorting out the gas and electricity bills or coming along to be an extra pair of hands at an activity.
Richard, Group Chairman
To avoid disappointment please check that you have submitted the form successfully. You should see the message “Your message was sent successfully. Thanks” in a friendly red box after you have pressed the Send button.
You should also receive a confirmation email within 20 minutes. If you do not see the email please check your Spam or Junk folder before contacting us! Should you need to contact us please use the contact-us form.