Thank you everyone that joined us on Friday, we really appreciate you coming 💕
Further to what our Chair Tony said, if anyone feels they could help with anything (not just the list of things he read out), please join the I think I can help WhatsApp group in our scout community.
Not everything that needs doing has to be done at the hut, there is loads of admin that can be done any time from home.
The group held its first in-person Annual General Meeting last night for three years,
We welcomed a number of members to the Group Executive Committee (most of whom are also Trustees of the group charity). Tony Mann as Group Chair, Catherine Martin as Group Secretary and officially elected JoAnn Etherington as Group Treasurer.
Thank you to all the parents that joined us for this important part of being a charity.
At the end of the AGM we presented a number of Chief Scouts Awards, including our first Acorn Awards to some of our Squirrels.
We also caught-up on some awards that were delayed from last year.