Tag Archives: Monopoly Run

Monopoly Run 2025

The Mill Lane Scout troops took five teams to London this year for Monopoly Run Live – a Scout organised event with 8000 participants.

Monopoly Run ‘Live’ is a real-time version of the popular Monopoly Run (London) board game. It is played in a single day in central London and involves visiting the actual sites that the board game is based on.

We end up playing against five or six other teams that have signed up, some local but others travel from far away.

Continue reading Monopoly Run 2025

Monopoly Run 2024

The 4th and the 9th Sevenoaks took 7 teams to London on Saturday, competing in the annual Monopoly Run Live competition organised by a team from Hampshire Scouts.

The competition has grown over the years until this year when they have capped the entry at 8,000 competitors.

This year the run started from the Imperial War Museum instead of the usual London Eye. After a very damp first hour, the day brightened up and we even saw the sun in the afternoon.

The teams were generally not competing with each other this year, which meant more of the teams could taste success! Our top teams came 19th and 22nd overall out of over 1400 teams (well done Cars and Hustlers!)

Here are a selection of photos from the day

Continue reading Monopoly Run 2024

Monopoly Run 2023

Today was Monopoly Run “Live”, an event where 8000 players from Scouting and Guiding play a real time game of Monopoly across London.

This year 62 of us from Swift, Chapman and Seal Scout Troops, formed eight teams and ventured into central London to take part.

Eight hours and 38 kms of walking / tube rides / bus journeys, most of our teams had managed to visit every place on the standard Monopoly board.

Seven of our teams ended up in the same game – with the ‘Brave’ team (Nick, Robin, Holly. Caitlin, Clemmie, Lexie and Christopher) taking the crown. The one team out there competing with the public ‘The Influencers’ managed to come second in their game.

#MRun23 #MonopolyRun #Sevenoaks #iScout #iScoutinKent

We entered seven teams into the Monopoly Run this year!

We entered the Monopoly Run for the 5th time this year, this time managing to enter seven teams (with help from Seal Scouts).

The Monopoly Run brings the board game to life as teams of scouts race around the streets of London, trying to be the first in their game to reach a specific location for each square of the Monopoly board. For example, the Jail square corresponds to The Clink prison museum on the South Bank and the location for Regent Street was Hamleys toy shop.

The seven teams were:

Accidental Volunteers

Board Surfers

Brute Force


Team Work

The Chancers

The Talent Pool

The End

By the end of the day we had 42 exhausted scouts and 14 very weary adults. Everyone enjoyed most of the day and everyone left having ideas for what they would do next time!

The scout leaders were extremely please that, above all else, everyone got there and back safely!

The Talent Pool managed to get 5th overall more by luck than anything else.